Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Vinegar repalces what....

I was searching for a way to get a lipstick stain out of one of my delicate shirts when I ran across a article about vinegar. I know it sounds like a strange topic, but I learned that cheap vinegar can save me tons of money. It seems to replace several expensive products that we buy. I already knew about a few like window cleaner and adding it to my wash but there were some I didn't know about like;

Kill grass and weeds: Pour or spray full strength vinegar on grass or weeds poking through your driveway or rearing their heads in other unsavory places.


Frost-free windows: If you know a chilly night is on the make, you can ensure that your windows will be frost-free when you wake up in the morning. Simply mix 3 parts vinegar to 1 part water, and coat your windows with the mixture the night before.

Here is a site that has 1001 uses for vinegar - Link

and another - Link

As silly as it may seem to read about vinegar uses, if it saves you dollars - it makes sense! Also how many times have you needed one of the items listed and had to go to the store to buy it? Just stock up on vinegar when it is on sale and you are good to go.

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